Material yard / port wharf rapid dust fog dust fog gun machine manufacturer-Qingdao Qunsen
The dust reducing fog gun machine has the characteristics of far spray distance and fine water fog, which can effectively control the dust dust particles floating in the air. Fog gun machine belong...
Qunsen recommended industrial water mist jet dust effect obvious fog cannon machine
Fog cannon machine is a kind of spray equipment, mainly used for dust removal, cooling, humidification and other aspects. The main features of the QS type fog cannon machine are: Can produce high p...
Industrial fog gun coal mine 100 meters dust removal fog gun coal shed industrial large fog gun
群森环保工业级雾炮机使用场景:矿场、煤场、码头、发电厂、商混站、焦化厂、煤棚等。 联系电话:17395107854 Product details ---------------------------------------- Dust removal fog gun machine is a new and more effective dust control equ...
Fog cannon site dust collector industrial environmental protection equipment automatic fog cannon
群森环保工业级雾炮机使用场景:矿场、煤场、码头、发电厂、商混站、焦化厂、煤棚等。 联系电话:17395107854 Product details----------------------------------------Features: 1, strong ability, long range, wide coverage, can achieve fine sp...